Is your I.T. adding real value to your operations – or holding you back?
“Traditional” I.T. providers are detracting from their clients’ business goals by narrowly focusing on their client’s tech infrastructure. Without a business-first I.T. strategy developed by a Virtual CIO (VCIO), many companies are missing out on the opportunity to leverage technology in the pursuit of streamlined workflows, successful projects, improved marketing & sales, and much more.

Here are 10 ways your traditional I.T. provider is holding you back:
- Infrastructure-Only Focus: An infrastructure-only focus excludes the ability to focus on your business strategy, your employees, and your clients.
- Hindering Collaboration: Modern I.T. puts a strong focus on enhancing secure and simple collaboration between everyone in your workforce.
- Administrative Burden: Outdated I.T. techniques result in time wasting, and avoidable, administrative burdens. Modern I.T. strategies are devices to minimize that burden on your end.
- Poor Integration of New Technology: This often results in increased vulnerabilities and diminished productivity.
- Unreliable Security: In the increasingly dangerous landscape of online threats, you need more comprehensive and customizable security solutions than ever.
- Paralyzing Your Online Marketing: Email campaigns, landing pages, and analytics are always their very last priority.
- More Reactive than Proactive: A proactive approach to I.T. ensures issues are addressed and dealt with before they cause major problems.
- No CEO Control: Responsibility, accountability, budget, and execution are not in their dictionary.
- Missing the Point: Too many old-school tech guys speak in technical jargon that goes over your head and leaves you confused. You need a team who explains your I.T. in a way that you can understand.
- Eating Up Your Budget: Big investments are often followed by hidden ongoing costs such as licenses, maintenance, updates, and so on.
Don’t let these common mistakes hold your business back from exceeding all of your goals. Let Haxxess Enterprise Corporation add real value to your operations with strategies, support, and innovative I.T. solutions that align uniquely with your needs and objectives. Contact us at [email protected] or (705) 222. -TECH.