As a business owner, especially in the tech sector, you are almost certainly backing up your data regularly. Data disasters can happen at any moment, compromising the data you use to run your business and even destroying hardware and software. However, as much as the IT community focuses on making regular and redundant backups, the vast majority of data recovery companies fail to take into account one important element: time.
What Does Time Mean in Data Recovery?
The old adage, “time is money” means more in data recovery than it does in day-to-day life. This is because although you may have regular backups of your data, that data may not be immediately accessible following a data disaster. If you had to recover all of your company’s data right now, how long would it take, and how much time would you lose in the process?
Take a common data recovery plan as an example: If you create secure backup copies of your data every night after business hours are over, you can at least rest assured that the majority of your important data is safe. But if those backups are manually made on hard drives using widely available freeware, should something happen, then you will have to manually recover the data from every single disk, one at a time. Depending on the size of your business, this could take days, weeks or months to complete, and that doesn’t take into account the time-consuming process of recreating the data lost on the day of the attack.
To truly ensure business continuity in the face of a data disaster, it is necessary to shift focus away from backups and toward recoverability.
How Recoverable Is Your Data?
Typical backup solutions do not provide comprehensive solutions for data recovery needs. To understand why, it is necessary to think in terms of downtime, recovery point objects and recovery time objectives.
The only way to ensure that your data is fully and easily recoverable is by subjecting it to rigorous testing. This can be done by simulating data disasters and determining your actual recovery point and recovery time variables. Simulations and drills also let you discover compatibility issues and other time-consuming obstacles that may not be immediately apparent.
Haxxess Enterprise Corporation is the trusted choice when it comes to staying ahead of the latest information technology tips, tricks and news. Contact us at (705) 222 or send us an email at -TECH[email protected] for more information.